I'm a holy man minus the holiness.--E. M. Forster

(Hat tip to The Ironic Catholic"!)

Sancte Michael Archangele,

Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio;
contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium.
Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur:
tuque, Princeps militiae Caelestis,
satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo,
divina virtute in infernum detrude.

(Hat tip to The American Catholic!)

Saturday, March 28, 2015

39th Day of Lent...

Today was a day for fixing drains. I got the sink moving even though the job grew fast. Every time I work on old plumbing, especially drains, old pipes start breaking and I have to replace more than I started.

Anyway, I've heard that sometimes helping take the garbage out of others lives is the best we can do.

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