Follow Father Z's advice...
I know what the Church teaches & know how I don't measure up! And none of the bovine scatology about the Church having to change, either!
It seems to me that the leadership of the Catholic Church in America over the better part of the last fifty years has been at best embarrassed about the Faith or at worst antagonistic about the Faith. God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy!
(Hat tip to The Ironic Catholic"!)
Sancte Michael Archangele,
contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium.
Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur:
tuque, Princeps militiae Caelestis,
satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo,
divina virtute in infernum detrude.
(Hat tip to The American Catholic!)
Friday, September 11, 2015
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Happy Ascension Thursday...
I always liked Ascension Thursday. Spring was here. The end of the school year was in sight. I guess I agree with Father Z on the move of Ascension Thursday to the next Sunday.
This year our 32nd wedding anniversary is on Ascension Thursday.
Too bad they moved it to Sunday!
This year our 32nd wedding anniversary is on Ascension Thursday.
Too bad they moved it to Sunday!
Wednesday, April 22, 2015
Happy Lenin's Birthday...
I usually post something every April 22, but the above is so apropos.
I got to make a presentation Monday and it went WAY better than I had hoped. Good work and lots of prayers help.
I was also able to get to see my mother, which is something I do too rarely. I need a way to e-mail stuff to people who don't have access to the internet.
Friday, April 17, 2015
Met an old coworker...
I was at an offsite today. Going out to get a drink of water, I saw an older grey haired man with a beard working on a computer in the open area. He suddenly called my name. I didn't recognize him. He was a 1st LT that I worked with in 1982. I am amazed how time flies.
Sunday, April 12, 2015
For all St. Thomas' bad rap...
he called it as he saw it!

STA in Woodhaven, NY (H/T to Kathleen Jones!)
Which is more than the writers of "AD" had the guts to do!!
Monday, April 6, 2015
Easter Monday...
Blessed Easter Monday to one and all. I had a pretty good day today - got to brief the director today. It went well. I still have a lot to do but this was one thing off my plate.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Happy Easter to One and all!!
I got to go to our church for Easter Vigil. We hadn't been to Easter Vigil in years, maybe never. It was impressive albeit smoky!
We had a beautiful day for Easter Sunday.
We had a beautiful day for Easter Sunday.
Friday, April 3, 2015
45th Day of Lent... Good Friday...
Good Friday. We don't understand how important this day is. Our Lord gave his life for us.
We adore You, Oh Christ, and we praise You! For by Your Cross, You gave us eternal life!
I had a dream that I was tying to care for a premature baby who was less than six inches long. It was black and there was nothing I could do to keep it alive.
I was able to fix the plumbing issue that plagued me yesterday, which was good!
We adore You, Oh Christ, and we praise You! For by Your Cross, You gave us eternal life!
I had a dream that I was tying to care for a premature baby who was less than six inches long. It was black and there was nothing I could do to keep it alive.
I was able to fix the plumbing issue that plagued me yesterday, which was good!
Thursday, April 2, 2015
44th Day of Lent... Holy Thursday...
The Triduum begins...
I had a dream about visiting my mother in her new apartment. Time is marching on and her generation is getting ready to move on.
I was able to complete two project deadlines at work, which felt good.
I have to show Christ to all I come into contact.
I had a thought during Mass tonight that what if Purgatory wipes clean all of the sin BEFORE Baptism? Is that a Catholic way of looking at it?
We hadn't been to Mass on Holy Thursday in years. It was refreshing compared to the new age Seders we used to go to. It felt Catholic.
It was 10 years ago today that Pope John Paul passed away. Now he is a Saint.
Requiem Aeternam dona ei , Domine et lux perpetua luceat ei: Requiescat in pace. Amen
I had a dream about visiting my mother in her new apartment. Time is marching on and her generation is getting ready to move on.
I was able to complete two project deadlines at work, which felt good.
I have to show Christ to all I come into contact.
I had a thought during Mass tonight that what if Purgatory wipes clean all of the sin BEFORE Baptism? Is that a Catholic way of looking at it?
We hadn't been to Mass on Holy Thursday in years. It was refreshing compared to the new age Seders we used to go to. It felt Catholic.
It was 10 years ago today that Pope John Paul passed away. Now he is a Saint.
Requiem Aeternam dona ei , Domine et lux perpetua luceat ei: Requiescat in pace. Amen
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
43rd Day of Lent...
Today is the last day of Lent, I guess. Tomorrow is Holy Thursday - the start of the Tridium. It's also April Fool's Day. I'm not a good joker. There have been some awesome jokes on facebook. (Although facebook is evil!)
Can I live my life in such a way as people can say they see Jesus instead of me?
Can I live my life in such a way as people can say they see Jesus instead of me?
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Monday, March 30, 2015
41st Day of Lent...
I thought Lent was forty days long! Guess not. Back to the mines, but people were asking me for information. I like to be helpful.
My youngest son was stopped by the local Sheriff's deputies on his way to catch the bus to school. Everyone wants the police to protect them, yet we hate the cop that writes us the ticket.
My youngest son was stopped by the local Sheriff's deputies on his way to catch the bus to school. Everyone wants the police to protect them, yet we hate the cop that writes us the ticket.
Sunday, March 29, 2015
40th Day of Lent... Palm Sunday...
The beginning of Holy Week already, where does time go?
We got to Mass early to try & get to confession. Unfortunately, there was a HUGE line. We will have to make other arrangements.
Did a lot of work on the new house, installing a new kitchen faucet. I got the water working but it wouldn't drain...
We got to Mass early to try & get to confession. Unfortunately, there was a HUGE line. We will have to make other arrangements.
Did a lot of work on the new house, installing a new kitchen faucet. I got the water working but it wouldn't drain...
Saturday, March 28, 2015
39th Day of Lent...
Today was a day for fixing drains. I got the sink moving even though the job grew fast. Every time I work on old plumbing, especially drains, old pipes start breaking and I have to replace more than I started.
Anyway, I've heard that sometimes helping take the garbage out of others lives is the best we can do.
Anyway, I've heard that sometimes helping take the garbage out of others lives is the best we can do.
Friday, March 27, 2015
38th Day of Lent...
The days just keep getting busier & busier. I often wonder if they will amount to anything. I find myself with so much on my plate. It seems like taking a day off causes more damage!
I was able to the final CrossFit Games Open WOD, which was good. My time was twice the time of the fittest women on earth. At least I beat those who didn't show up!!
Remember Romans 12:1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
I was able to the final CrossFit Games Open WOD, which was good. My time was twice the time of the fittest women on earth. At least I beat those who didn't show up!!
Remember Romans 12:1
I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.
Thursday, March 26, 2015
37th Day of Lent...
Another busy day at work. Accomplished stuff, but took on more things. I bought a pull out love seat for 30 bucks, which took time from the Workout Of the Day (WOD). I was only able to do half of today's WOD: Backsquats! I hadn't done heavy back squats in almost a year. They were challenging. While I didn't set a PR, 295# felt good. Next time...
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
36th Day of Lent... The Annunciation...
Happy feast of the Annunciation. I don't believe that we have a real good understanding what happened on that day.
Another busy day at work, but it was productive. I had a good workout, which is always nice. I ran into a buddy in the locker room whom I haven't seen in a while. This is a busy week, but doable.
Would I be able to make a holy hour? Do I love God enough to do that. Hmmm...
Another busy day at work, but it was productive. I had a good workout, which is always nice. I ran into a buddy in the locker room whom I haven't seen in a while. This is a busy week, but doable.
Would I be able to make a holy hour? Do I love God enough to do that. Hmmm...
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
35th Day of Lent...
Back to work after a week. I saw all the stuff I am behind on. It seems there is a ton of work that has to be done - way too much of it make work that takes from what really needs to be done. I have to keep my mind on my work.
Monday, March 23, 2015
34th Day of Lent...
Today was back up to Coldwater in God's Country. We buried my wife aunt, the last one of that generation for that part of the family. Since she was that last one, there weren't that many at the funeral. The pastor was someone who grew up in my wife's neighborhood. So, it was nice. Unfortunately, all of her remaining children are lapsed Catholics. I guess they are fields for the "new evangelization".
This will probably be the last time we head up that way.
Also it snowed today. We were able to beat it home.
This will probably be the last time we head up that way.
Also it snowed today. We were able to beat it home.
Sunday, March 22, 2015
5th Sunday of Lent...
Today was a sunny cold day. Church was quite peaceful. We have no clue about the majesty that happens at the Mass. Mores the pity.
We went to my wife's aunt's wake. She was the last of that generation of that part of the family. It was good to see people we hadn't seen in a while. Afterwards, we went to St Charles' the mother house for the Society of the Precious Blood in this part of the country. We visited the graves of several of the Precious Blood priests we have known over the past few years. A good day.
We went to my wife's aunt's wake. She was the last of that generation of that part of the family. It was good to see people we hadn't seen in a while. Afterwards, we went to St Charles' the mother house for the Society of the Precious Blood in this part of the country. We visited the graves of several of the Precious Blood priests we have known over the past few years. A good day.
Saturday, March 21, 2015
32nd day of Lent...
Saturday is a good day. They tell me that when you retire everyday is Saturday. I did some work at our new house. As much as I love our current house we are being forced to leave it.
My wife's Aunt Lu passed away yesterday. She was the last of her generation of the family.
Requiem Aeternam dona ei , Domine et lux perpetua luceat ei: Requiescat in pace. Amen.
My wife's Aunt Lu passed away yesterday. She was the last of her generation of the family.
Requiem Aeternam dona ei , Domine et lux perpetua luceat ei: Requiescat in pace. Amen.
Friday, March 20, 2015
31st Day of Lent...
Back from an exhausting trip. Delayed flights, meetings, messed up plans, and fowled up equipment. At least I got to look at and crawl around aircraft. Being home is a relief. Of Course, I have to make up the work I wasn't able to do while I was away...
Tuesday, March 17, 2015
28th Day of Lent...
Happy St. Patrick's day. Also Happy Birthday to me. It's hard to believe that I a closing in on 60! Dr. Ray on EWTN radio said something about middle age being 38. Most of us in our mid-50's believe we will live to 110! I'll live to 120! How crazy is that?
Monday, March 16, 2015
27th Day of Lent...
Another busy Monday. My body chemistry is out of balance as is much of my life! At least I was able to workout. I didn't lift (push press) as much as I like, but it was good.
I have to pray that God will save everybody. Yes, everybody. Though I think many will choose damnation through their own arrogance.
I have to pray that God will save everybody. Yes, everybody. Though I think many will choose damnation through their own arrogance.
Sunday, March 15, 2015
4th Sunday of Lent...
Two thirds of Lent done. Spring is definitely here. Cool mornings are followed by warm afternoons. We spent the afternoon working on our new house. At least I am able to accomplish something meaningful.
My career is ending and I HAVE to figure out what to do for the rest of my life..
My career is ending and I HAVE to figure out what to do for the rest of my life..
Saturday, March 14, 2015
Friday, March 13, 2015
24th day of Lent...
What a day! Busy at work, but I could've been monitoring cell phone. Hmmm.
Anyway, one of the kids I was in the scouts with just passed away. Barry was several years old than me. And he joined our troop after I did. However, moved fast through the ranks and became an eagle scout. He worked at the local Radio Shack and always gave us the heads up on the latest electronic deals.
Requiem Aeternam dona ei , Domine et lux perpetua luceat ei: Requiescat in pace. Amen
Anyway, one of the kids I was in the scouts with just passed away. Barry was several years old than me. And he joined our troop after I did. However, moved fast through the ranks and became an eagle scout. He worked at the local Radio Shack and always gave us the heads up on the latest electronic deals.
Requiem Aeternam dona ei , Domine et lux perpetua luceat ei: Requiescat in pace. Amen
Thursday, March 12, 2015
23rd Day of Lent...
A restful day. Happy Birthday to my wife. I've been taking her birthday off for awhile and it's been pretty nice. We walked the dogs and played with the grandkids - a good day!
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
22nd day of Lent...
We are over half way though Lent. Time runs away from us. I need to realize that my work needs to be done from an attitude of humility. Unfortunately, I epitomize the Peter Principle.
I had a dream about trying to go to the organization that I've gotten in trouble with. There was a group of people I was with wandering around Arlington trying to find the meeting place.
I had a dream about trying to go to the organization that I've gotten in trouble with. There was a group of people I was with wandering around Arlington trying to find the meeting place.
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
21st Day of Lent...
Another busy day at work. I managed to sneak off to the gym. I was doing my sets of the Hang Power Cleans and I missed 155#. There was this other crossfitter doing a WOD & he said my form was good, but I wasn't getting under the bar. He set up two 10# plates down about my hip width stance apart. He had me stand between them and drop as if I was going to catch the bar, making sure as I dropped to bring my feet up on top of the plates. He had me do this at least 5 times. Then I tried to Hang Power Clean 155# again. This time, I DID IT!!
What a cool tip!! I tried it for the rest of the cleans and they felt SO much easier!
Do I remember to tell my sons that I love them? Do I love the kids I have to do more for than the ones that I get along with better?
Monday, March 9, 2015
20th Day of Lent...
Today started with a lot of things wrong. A cold shower and a messed up meeting. I didn't get to workout, which was bad.
As much as I like Latin, kneeling, and praying; I must not judge others as not loving the Lord as much as I do!
As much as I like Latin, kneeling, and praying; I must not judge others as not loving the Lord as much as I do!
Sunday, March 8, 2015
3rd Sunday of Lent...
The Lord drove the money changers from the Temple. I have to drive bad behaviors from my life.
I dreamed that I was giving a CPR class at work and there were a lot of students. Then I realized that I hadn't set up ANY equipment!!
I dreamed that I was giving a CPR class at work and there were a lot of students. Then I realized that I hadn't set up ANY equipment!!
Friday, March 6, 2015
17th day of Lent...
I made it back fro a meeting today. It was a good one, yet I realize that I'm not the only one with work issues.
I got a fortune cookie yesterday. I said,"Seek out the significance of your problem at this time. Try to understand."
I'm also realizing I'm not one of the best people...
I got a fortune cookie yesterday. I said,"Seek out the significance of your problem at this time. Try to understand."
I'm also realizing I'm not one of the best people...
Monday, March 2, 2015
13th day of Lent...
Back to work and more rules on my work.. I feel watched in every direction. Just because you are paranoid does not mean they are not out to get you!
I dreamt that I was helping a homeless bum at one of the local casinos - or I was the homeless bum!
I dreamt that I was helping a homeless bum at one of the local casinos - or I was the homeless bum!
Sunday, March 1, 2015
2nd Sunday of Lent...
It snowed today. We should've gone to Mass last night. This was a "How an Atheist spends Sunday day".
I dreamt about going to a college function before I got my degree and meeting people that I have worked with and still work with. I felt so stupid.
I dreamt about going to a college function before I got my degree and meeting people that I have worked with and still work with. I felt so stupid.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
10th & 11th Days of Lent...
I wasn't able to log yesterday... It was a busy day. I did the Crossfit games Open WOD 15.1 & 15.1a. It was disappointing. I was only able to get 2 rounds and 15 Toes To Bars. The TTBs were the choke point of the WOD. Doing Clean & jerks afterward was tough. I did 135# & 155#. I was not able to clean 165#. This was very disappointing.
Today was a typical Saturday. I don't have to think about work. Everything I do HAS to be perfect. Being an editor of my own work is very difficult for me.
Today was a typical Saturday. I don't have to think about work. Everything I do HAS to be perfect. Being an editor of my own work is very difficult for me.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
9th Day of Lent...
This was a day I was busy. I was able to work out and I'm glad about it! I am doing things that I don't see how I can get credit for. Supposedly the Lord is making me what He wants me to be. Sadly, I don't seem to do what He wants...
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
8th day of Lent...
This was a day to dig into my work. I did a lot of work, though I question whether it will get me anywhere.
I did have a dream that the presentation I am giving next week went terribly awry. Hopefully it will go well!
I did have a dream that the presentation I am giving next week went terribly awry. Hopefully it will go well!
Tuesday, February 24, 2015
7th day of Lent...
At least when bad things happen, they eventually let up. I'm being watched. I don't do well under pressure. At least today I was able to work out, which felt better. I have to remember more stuff to write in this blog...
Oh yeah! The Lord Giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!!
And it looks like I'm going to be a grandfather again!
Oh yeah! The Lord Giveth and the Lord taketh away. Blessed be the name of the Lord!!
And it looks like I'm going to be a grandfather again!
Monday, February 23, 2015
6th Day of Lent...
Mondays are tough. Today was a bunch of work, much was just to stay local, BUT it HAD to be perfect. Editing my work has always been hard. I always stare at the same thing, seeing nothing. Then I submit it and the errors pop out!
That's fine, yet other people make the same mistakes and no one cares...
That's fine, yet other people make the same mistakes and no one cares...
Sunday, February 22, 2015
The 1st Sunday of Lent...
Went to mass today. The sermon was basically am I willing to sin if that adds to the nails or the thorns, basically adding to the sufferings of Jesus? This is sobering. If only I can remember it!!
Saturday, February 21, 2015
4th day of Lent...
A snowy day focusing on the death of my career. I had such high hopes for what I wanted to do. At least I was able to do a lot of snow shoveling which helped.
Friday, February 20, 2015
3rd Day of Lent...
Things are going on as they have for the past few days. My chickens are coming home to roost and I'm being watched like I know nothing. I get extra work which interferes with things that need to be done.
Also I'm concerned that when I try to be firm and stand up for myself, I'm accused of being insulting and yelling...
Also I'm concerned that when I try to be firm and stand up for myself, I'm accused of being insulting and yelling...
Thursday, February 19, 2015
2nd Day of Lent
What have I done??
"Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, who leads us in our faith and brings it to perfection: for the sake of the joy which lay ahead of him, he endured the cross, disregarding the shame of it, and has taken his seat at the right of God's throne.
"Let us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus, who leads us in our faith and brings it to perfection: for the sake of the joy which lay ahead of him, he endured the cross, disregarding the shame of it, and has taken his seat at the right of God's throne.
3 Think of the way he persevered against such opposition from sinners and then you will not lose heart and come to grief.
5 Have you forgotten that encouraging text in which you are addressed as sons? My son, do not scorn correction from the Lord, do not resent his training,
7 Perseverance is part of your training; God is treating you as his sons. Has there ever been any son whose father did not train him?
8 If you were not getting this training, as all of you are, then you would be not sons but bastards.
9 Besides, we have all had our human fathers who punished us, and we respected them for it; all the more readily ought we to submit to the Father of spirits, and so earn life.
10 Our human fathers were training us for a short life and according to their own lights; but he does it all for our own good, so that we may share his own holiness.
11 Of course, any discipline is at the time a matter for grief, not joy; but later, in those who have undergone it, it bears fruit in peace and uprightness.
13 and make your crooked paths straight; then the injured limb will not be maimed, it will get better instead.
I'm a sinner and an going through this at work!! This is what Fr. Larry Richards preached on this today on EWTN!
Wednesday, February 18, 2015
40 Days...
Another Ash Wednesday. There aren't 40 days of rain. More like snow and record cold. (Calling Al Gore!!)
The world seems to be going through the ringer on all levels. I tried to get one of the 40 things to do for Lent, but failed. Oh well...
Saturday, January 24, 2015
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