I'm a holy man minus the holiness.--E. M. Forster

(Hat tip to The Ironic Catholic"!)

Sancte Michael Archangele,

Sancte Michael Archangele, defende nos in proelio;
contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium.
Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur:
tuque, Princeps militiae Caelestis,
satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo,
divina virtute in infernum detrude.

(Hat tip to The American Catholic!)

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

RIP Neil Armstrong

I remember this watching in at my grandfather's Summer Bungalow in Massepequa, NY back in 1969! Too bad the era ended SO quickly!!

Réquiem ætérnam dona ei  Dómine; et lux perpétua lúceat ei. Requiéscat in pace. Amen. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

He's out of my life...

Thursday morning my daughter's boyfriend, died in his sleep of heart failure. I first met him on Thanksgiving 2006. It was an Ann Landers moment, where your daughter brings home a person you rather she didn't. I kept my mouth shut while he acted like he shouldn't. I felt like Archie Bunker must've felt when he first met the meathead. (Heck, I had him in my phone as "Carne Cabeza"!)

He did enjoy Thanksgivings with us. I remember a time on the Thanksgiving of 2008 when we played a family football game in the front yard ala the Kennedys. He enjoyed it as did we all.

He was an only child and was 14 years older than my daughter. He wasn't a bad sort, just undisciplined and goofy. At times, he was a pain in the neck. His passing was a shock for someone so young yet it was something you could see coming!

Here's a video of him messing around with dead lifts this past July 4th.

Anyway, I hope he's at some form of peace. I think he wanted to do the Catholic thing, but found it hard.

Réquiem ætérnam dona ei  Dómine; et lux perpétua lúceat ei. Requiéscat in pace. Amen.

(They say death comes in threes. First, my brother-in-law, now him. Who's next?)

Sunday, August 5, 2012

And when I die...

PLEASE do NOT have OLD women being altar servers at any Mass or memorial service for me!!

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

These dreams...

Funny how when someone dies, you start seeing them while walking around in thar faces of people you come across. Also in dreams...

Had a dream last night that was very vivid. My brother-in-law was going to be a consultant on a project I was working on, It was so real. I did not realize that he was dead until I woke up. Weird!

Monday, July 23, 2012

We are be flowers in the summer sun...

Today my eldest brother-in-law passed away. He had been suffering from CADASIL for the better part of 40 years. For the past four years he had suffered from heart attack, multiple strokes, and Kidney cancer. This was very tough on his family. He was an intelligent vibrant man who was cut down in the prime of life. We didn't agree on all that much out side of family and the Faith being important. All in all, he was a nice man who will be greatly missed.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Come Holy Ghost...

Creator Blest, and in our hearts take up thy rest...

Hope everyone has a wonderful Pentecost! (Even the Crazy maniacs!!)

Pentecost was of 1969 was the 1st time I got to read the from the Act of the Apostles, but that was long ago...

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Happy Feast of the Ascension of the Lord...

...The US bishops decided it was TOO HARD to require Catholics to attend Mass today, soooo they pushed it to the next Sunday. And we wonder why Catholics are being forced to pay for abortions and sterilizations AND contraception AND accept, no EMBRACE Same Sex Marriage!!!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I have a tough time with...

... Earth Day, Actually V.I. Lenin's birthday. I've written about it before here. I guess it disturbs me when the Totalitarians (leftists) put up this phony piety about "Caring for the Earth" and EVERYONE falls right behind without a thought!! The leftists want us to give up freedom so we could be more like the Soviets and the Chinese. The Irony is how much these paragons of Environmental purity are actually toxic hell holes!!!

And they justify killing babies and the infirm for their greed! And they get away with it!!

Save the World!!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

It's over...

Santorum is out & it looks like we have a Rominee. The best we can hope for is a Nixon Redux . I see a lot of Makers Mark in my future.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

For the...

... sake of his sorrowful passion,

Have mercy on us and on the whole world!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Holy Thursday

Well, Lent is officially over. However, we're supposed to be fasting & abstaining until Saturday at sundown, (D@mn Daylight savings time!!)

I tried to pray more. Giving up stuff is tough for me.

The Church has been still under attach for "THE WAR ON WOMEN". It seems to get worse. Yet, I wonder how many abortions are done due for sex selection...

Last I checked, pregnancy wasn't a disease.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

40 days of (P)ain Oh Lord!!

Well Ash Wednesday is here again & we go back to giving up on our evil ways. Well, at least the ones we have some control over. Abortion, contraception, slavery, etc. keep on keeping on. BUT DON'T SAY OR HEAVEN FORBID DO anything about it!! Just ask Rick Santorum!! Ask the Bishops about the HHS Mandate for Contraception and Abortion or "the compromise"! GIMME A BREAK! The bottom line is that in the end I'm gonna be forced to pay to kill my kids!!

At least I was able to get ashes & make it to Mass for the first time in years. Not much be it's a start.

Friday, February 3, 2012


End of the Christmas Season!

And what a season it has been! We got the gift of Mittens to run against Obama. (And the difference is...??) It was announced that Catholic institutions HAD to offer Abortion and Contraception coverage to their employees. Talk about reaping the world wind!! How many "Professional" Catholics supported Obama & the DEMONRATS!! Talk about paybacks being hell.
Now the Susan G. Komen foundation pulled funding from Planned Barrenhood and ALL hell is breaking loose! Komen has been back pedaling & the outcome is still in doubt. It looks like a little payback for the hatchet job Komen did to the Archdiocese of Cincinnati several years back when the archdiocese attempted to curtail funds & use of its facilities for the Volley for the Cure fundraiser!

Can't wait for Lent!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

50 Million American women "Can't" be wrong...

39 years, a few hundred mothers killed, at least 50 Million children killed...

Not sure what to think. I've tried to stand against it, only to get slapped down. Best thing at this point to do is pray...

A prayer for the unborn

O Heavenly Father, Creator and Giver of all life, Author of justice, Source of love and mercy: Although it is deserving of thine anger and punishment, look with mercy on our nation, which has offended thee by condoning the killing of millions of innocent children, thy precious sons and daughters, who, like all of us, were created in thine image and likeness, but whose only offense was their very existence. Amen.

A prayer for Right to Life

O heavenly Father, strengthen us against the mounting forces of anti-life; enlighten those who walk in this deadly way that they may see the enormity of their sin and return to the generous observance of the divine law. We pray, too, for mothers, that they may prize the great privilege of motherhood; and that they may bring up their children in the holy love and fear of God, thus saving their own immortal souls and furthering the honor and glory of their Maker. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Pray for us, St. Gerard, protector of the mother and her unborn child,
that we may be worthy of the promises of Christ!
~~ from “Prayers for Today,” published by Leaflet Missal Co.

Prayer for Life by Pope John Paul II

O Mary, bright dawn of the new world,
Mother of the living,
to you do we entrust the cause of life:
Look down, O Mother, upon the vast numbers
of babies to be born,
of the poor whose lives are made difficult,
of men and women who are victims of brutal violence,
of the elderly and the sick killed
by indifference or out of misguided mercy.
Grant that all who believe in your Son
may proclaim the Gospel of life
with honesty and love to the people of our time.
Obtain for them the grace
to accept that Gospel as a gift ever new,
the joy of celebrating it with gratitude
throughout their lives
and the courage to bear witness to it resolutely,
in order to build,
together with all people of good will,
the civilization of truth and love,
to the praise and glory of God,
the Creator and lover of life.
~~ Pope John Paul II
Encyclical Letter “The Gospel of Life”
Given in Rome, on March 25,
the Solemnity of the Annunciation o
Stolen from John C. Wright's Journal.
God have mercy on our souls!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

And Happy Solemnity of Mary the Mother of God!

(Good thing today was a Sunday else there would be even LESS people at Mass!!)

It always torques me about how crowded Mass is on Christmas and how EMPTY it is in January! One of these days, One of these days!!!