Any day is a good day when you find out the death of Osama bin Ladin. I remember when his crew slammed 2 jets into the World Trade Center, one jet into the Pentagon, and were trying to do another one when it crashed into that field in Penn.
We found out last night that the US finally located him in the mansion in Pakistan. He was asked to surrender, but this bad assed terrorist grabbed a wife to use as a shield. (BIG tough guy!)
Now, he succumbed to lead poisoning. Life is tough!
God Bless all the service men who defend us from this scum bucket & God have mercy on his rotten soul.
I know what the Church teaches & know how I don't measure up! And none of the bovine scatology about the Church having to change, either!
It seems to me that the leadership of the Catholic Church in America over the better part of the last fifty years has been at best embarrassed about the Faith or at worst antagonistic about the Faith. God is great, beer is good, and people are crazy!
(Hat tip to The Ironic Catholic"!)
Sancte Michael Archangele,
contra nequitiam et insidias diaboli esto praesidium.
Imperet illi Deus, supplices deprecamur:
tuque, Princeps militiae Caelestis,
satanam aliosque spiritus malignos,
qui ad perditionem animarum pervagantur in mundo,
divina virtute in infernum detrude.
(Hat tip to The American Catholic!)